Pleasant View Baptist Church (PVBC)—affiliated with Converge Worldwide—is a loving church with a big vision that is impacting our community for Christ. Our current average Sunday in-person attendance is 77. We are in Bettendorf, Iowa, in an area known as the Quad Cities—a bi-state (Iowa and Illinois) community of families along the Mississippi River. One of the newest, nicest, lit bridges in the national interstate system
connects us.

On January 7, 1968, we held our first service in the Pleasant Valley community center. Not even the 14-degree-below-zero temperatures that day could stop 41 faithful people from beginning and growing a new congregation that would go on to touch many lives with the Gospel.

Our vision is to CONNECT with God and others, to GROW with God and others, and to SERVE our church, community, and world. Current programs include one Sunday morning worship service (live-streamed), connect groups for the adults, Sunday school for the kids, and occasional special services. We offer AWANA, youth group, VBS in the summer, men’s and women’s Bible studies, a group for grandparenting with purpose, and we host a weekly, continuously growing Celebrate Recovery group. Passionate about missions, we provide opportunities to learn, give, and go locally, nationally, and abroad.

There are no open positions at this time.
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