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Join us for a Night of Prayer

Gather together as we pray for the Quad Cities area and report on what God is doing across the Quad Cities via paarticipating churches! We'll be gathering for this prayer meeting at fellow coalition member, Bridge Cities Church.

What Is Coalition Of The Willing?

The Coalition of the Willing is a gathering of church leaders in the Quad Cities area that want to see this region reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These leaders assemble every other month to discuss how we can work together in order to see more people come to faith in Jesus and be discipled.

The Coalition of the Willing has developed metrics that each church has agreed to track, pray over, and celebrate together so that once per year, on the same Sunday, all of the churches will celebrate what God has done throughout all of the churches in the Quad Cities that are a part of this group. The Coalition of the Willing also looks for opportunities to serve together, be a resource for one another, and encourage one another.

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