Celebrate Recovery meets at Pleasant View Baptist Church

Monday Nights from 5:00 - 8:00 pm  

For more information on the local group contact Barb at CelebrateRecovery@pleasantviewbett.com

What is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery community helping others celebrate freedom from all types of painful hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Celebrate Recovery utilizes the Biblical truth that we need each other in order to grow spiritually and emotionally. Established in 1991, currently in 35,000 churches, in 50 States and 25 countries, over 1,000,000 successfully completed the program to lead normal lives.

Who Should Attend?

We all Struggle! Anyone who desires a new way of managing life should consider attending Celebrate Recovery. Participants may include people who struggle with anger, co-dependency, overworking, various addictions, compulsive over/under eating, compulsive spending, and any other issue that keeps us from becoming the people we are called to be.

How Are Meetings Structured?

The evening begins with coffee, fellowship, then flows to a Large Group with worship, prayer, a reading of the Steps or Recovery Principles and a biblically-based teaching or a testimony. Men and women meet separately after the Large Group fellowship for Step studies, an in-depth concentrated study of steps and recovery principles that are periodically offered.

What Is Expected of Me?

Come as you are! No registration is needed. Celebrate Recovery is an anonymous recovery meeting. No matter your hurts, habits or hang-ups you are welcome. You are free to share or not to share inside the Support Groups. All meetings are open to anyone who desires change, but anonymity and confidentiality are basic requirements. Celebrate Recovery does name and celebrate Christ as The High Power, but anyone seeking a new way to manage life is welcome. Come with an open heart, an open mind, and ears ready to listen. Newcomers are always welcome!

More information about the Celebrate Recovery program is available at celebraterecovery.com/

Celebrate Recovery Sunday

On Sunday November 18th, 2024, Pleasant View held a special service highlighting the ministry of Celebrate Recovery.